Critical Incident Support

Help with a phoneThere are many situations and events which occur in the modern world that are distressing or traumatic. From natural disasters to workplace fatalities, critical incidents can have an overwhelming impact on the individual or team affected and on their families. A traumatic event can cause disruption to the physical and emotional well-being of those involved, manifesting in many ways including shock, numbness, sleep disruption, flashbacks, anger, confusion, shame and panic attacks.

While some people are naturally resilient and will use their own coping mechanisms to recover, others will find themselves unable to move on and unable to function in the workplace. If the incident has occurred within the workplace environment, these problems may become further exacerbated by being there and potentially lead to longer-term absences. 

The aim of critical incident support is to minimise the physical and/or psychological responses which occur after exposure to these events. The individual or group have the opportunity to process the event and reflect upon its impact, learning coping mechanisms which allow them to move on positively. Research has found that those who are provided with critical incident support are less likely to develop physiological and psychological problems in the short and long term. The use of this support could assist the individuals to remain within the workplace. Furthermore, by providing them with such constructive support, staff and their families are reassured that your organisation is concerned about their welfare. 

To find out more or make a referral contact Counselling and Coaching Solutions here.


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