Resources and other agencies which you may also find useful. If you would like to suggest a resource or agency you feel would be of benefit to others, please email
- Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service - ACAS - 0300 123 1100
- BACP - The British Association for Counselling & Psychotherepy
- Breathing Space Scotland
- Charity Sane
- Citizen’s Advice Bureau
- Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Glasgow Health Information
- Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
- Healthy Working Lives
- International Stress Management Association (UK)
- Family Lives
- People’s Movement for Human Rights Learning
- Public Concern at Work (advice on public interest whistleblowing)
- Relationship Scotland
- SFAD (scottish families affected by alcohol and drugs)
- Samaritans
- SAMH (the scottish association of mental health)
- Sandyford NHS clinics
- Scotsgay Magazine Listings
- Scottish Drugs Forum Homepage
- Scottish Refugee Council
- Self help UK
- SHINE - Scottish Health Information Network
- Smokeline Scotland
- Stress Management Society
- STUC Scottish Trades Union
- TUC Trades Union Congress
- Workplace Chaplaincy Scotland
- Worksmart (for non union and union members)